Tuesday, July 15, 2008

IIT REFORMS == hara-kiri

Draconian quotas have cast doubt on the ability of the country’s leading universities to compete with the best in the world.
• Daily Telegraph, London

27%reservation for students.....
50%reservation for students....
3 New IIT's
5 New IIT's
50% for faculty also.....
A 100% fee hike...

These are the moves that the Govt has made to make IIT a world class institute which will pave the path for India's growth.

IIT's , as we see today, would not have come up had merit not been the sole criterion. Is the country ready to witness all these fruits of hard labour go to waste by becoming a victim to political opportunism? The OBC category is a fuzzy set and only the creamy layer becomes thicker and thicker leaving behind the poor in all categories.

As the county moves towards a knowledge economy, excellence is to be nurtured more than anything else. Moreover, the history of the country for the last six decades has proved that excellence is NOT the monopoly of any caste or religion.

This is also evident in all the central institutions of higher education and research. For the first time after Independence, India has the chance of excelling with a huge mass of young talent pool. To squander this golden opportunity now is sheer intellectual hara-kiri.

The worst part is that we havn't been able to anything to prevent the destruction of our own institute.


Monday, July 7, 2008

TAJ MAHAL - The most beautiful thing i have ever seen in my life

What is the most beautiful monument/place/thing in the world?

Is it the Effiel Tower , great dome , Big Ben , Leaning Tower of Pisa , Paris Museum .....

Or is the scintillating white wonder of the world


It is so beautiful!

I have seen most of the wonders of the world but none has ever raptured me on so much.
Never has it struck to me that one monument of the world can make you feel so wonderful that even the anger , pain , frustration , aungish and all just POOF

It is just so beautiful that I dont have words for it.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


What does being drunk mean??

Drunkenness is the state of being intoxicated by consumption of alcoholic beverages to a degree that mental and physical faculties are noticeably impaired.

So when we drink do we not realize who we are , what our true abilities are ??
WHat we can do and what we should not do??

Does ones eyes hurt??
does the head seem to be floating with a general elevation sensation??

Do we start to notice the seemingly harness actions of oneself??

DOes pain disappear??

DO we elevate from the mortal sense of earth??

Do we temporarily transcend the basic laws of sense and realisation??

Are we unable to do things which every normal person can do in normal sense??

Do we do stupid stuff??

Do we write blogs in the middle of night??